Newspaper 1971
Meals on Wheels commenced over 40 years ago in the Milton-Ulladulla area and over the years meals have been supplied from Milton-Ulladulla Hospital, Sarah Claydon, local cafes and our kitchen at the Meals on Wheels office in Ulladulla. Sussex Inlet Meals on Wheels have been operating since 1978 with hot meals being provided by Sussex Inlet RSL Club up until 2010 when Sussex Meals on Wheels moved into their own office.
2008 – Service Award from NSW Meals on Wheels Association.
2009 – District Organisation of the Year awarded by the Lions Club Milton Ulladulla, Australia Day Committee.
2010 – Sussex Inlet relocated from the Sussex Inlet RSL Club to their own office in Jacobs Drive.
2011 – The Co-operative amalgamated four services to become one Incorporated Association.
2014 – Community Organisation of the Year awarded by the Rotary Club of Milton Ulladulla.